Lectors: Lectors proclaim the Word of God, or in other words, allow God to speak to the faithful through them. When the Lector proclaims, the Word of God comes to life, and it is the mission of the Lector to allow the Word to live within them so that it can come alive in the community. As ministers of the Word of God, the Lector officially leads others to God. They have the responsibility of bringing the assembly into the disposition of listening to the Word of God in order to understand what the Lord wants to say through His Word.
-Meetings: First Saturday of every month 8:30-11:30am HT Lounge
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist: Are called to assist ordained ministers of Christ the King Roman Catholic Church in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during mass and other Eucharistic celebrations. Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist also serve the faith community outside of the parish by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ and proclaiming the Gospel of Our Lord to those who are not able to attend the Holy Eucharist because they are home-bound, hospitalized or too ill to attend.
-Meetings: 3rd Saturday of every other month 8:30am-12pm Lounge
Altar Servers: Alter Servers are boys and girls who have received the Sacrament of Holy Communion. They assist the priest during the mass as well as other liturgical celebrations. Altar Servers accompany the priest in the procession at the beginning of mass and at the end. They receive the offerings of bread and wine, help prepare the altar for Consecration, and manage the incense among other functions.
-No meetings at this time, but may meet with Altar Servers from the English Speaking community on occasion.
Ushers: Ushers ensure that the faithful who come to mass, or any other community event, feel welcome, included and accepted in the community, and above all, receive the love of Christ. Ushers also have the responsibility of distributing missals or any other material that people may need, such as the church bulletin and special announcements and flyers. In addition, Ushers are responsible for collecting offerings during the mass and guiding the order of communion. Another responsibility of the Ushers is to help set up, take down, chairs and other materials used during mass and other community events.
-4 Groups of 15 each
-Meetings: First Friday of every month 7-9pm Deacons Room
Ministerio de Música: La comunidad Hispana de la Parroquia de Cristo Rey tiene la bendición de contar con 4 ministerios de música “Los Changoleones de Cristo”, “Rostro Del Amor”, “Granito de Mostaza” and “Restauracion”. Estos grupos avivan al pueblo durante las misas y diferentes actividades de la Parroquia con sus cantos de alabanza, adoración y acción de gracias.
Music Ministries: The Hispanic Community of Christ the King is blessed to have 4 music ministries, “Los Changoleones de Cristo”, “Rostro del Amor”, “Granito de Mostaza” and “Restauracion”. These groups liven up the faithful, during mass and other community activities, with music of praise, adoration and thanksgiving.
Grupo de Oración: La oración es el Corazon de la comunidad. El Grupo de Oracion ofrece oportunidades para que cada persona que asiste a sus actividades experimente un encuentro personal con Jesús. El grupo ofrece asambleas comunitarias una vez al mes, retiros espirituales como Vida en el Espirito, el Santo Rosario con los niños, entre otras actividades donde el enfoque es la oración y la evangelización. El grupo de oración también trabaja en conjunto con la Renovación Carismática de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore para ayudar y apoyar actividades como los retiros de Hombres, Mujeres, Jovenes y Familias, Misas de Sanación y el Encuentro Católico.
Prayer Group: Prayer is the Heart of the community. The Prayer Group offers many opportunities for each person who attends their activities to have a personal encounter with Jesus Crist. The group offers Community Assemblies once a moth, spiritual retreats such as “Life in the Spirit”, and Prayer of the Holy Rosary with children, among other activities in which the focus is prayer and evangelization. The Prayer group also works side by side with The Baltimore Archdiocese’s Charismatic Catholic Renewal to help and support activities such as Women’s, Men’s, Youth and Family retreats, Healing Masses and the Catholic Encounter, held every July.
-Prayer Group/Missionary Rosary meets every Monday HT Hall 7-9pm
-Prayer Group meets every Thursday 7-9 pm HT Hall
-Community Assembly every last Saturday of the Month 6-10pm HT Hall
-Retreats throughout the year
-Crecimientos (Evangelization/Spiritual growth workshops for those who have taken Life in the Spirit Seminars) Every Saturday 7-9pm Deacons Room, Every Sunday 9:30am-12:00pm Annex
Couples Ministry: The mission of the Couples Ministry is to evangelize couples and families through the Word of God and through personal testimonials. The goal is to create strong and healthy marriages that last a lifetime.
-Meetings every Friday (7-10pm HT Lounge)
-Community Assembly every second Saturday of the month (7-10pm) Deacon’s Room
Marriage Preparation: This ministry prepares and supports couples who wish to receive the Sacrament of Marriage, ensuring that Christ becomes the central figure in their married life. This ministry is run by couples who are able to give life witness and serve as an example of Christian marriage to others.
St. Andrew School of Evangelization: The St. Andrew School of Evangelization is part of a larger community of schools from around the world that share a vision, methodology, and formation program. The School offers a series of retreats/courses that help prepare people to learn more about their faith and to have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. The school prepares people to evangelize, serve and bring others to Christ. The mission of the school is to take “Peters” to Jesus, to serve, preach, and love Christ our Lord more and better than ourselves (Jn 1: 41-42), by being “daring witness of the saving message of our Lord” and promote and maintain unity as a testimony to others.
Coordinador y Grupo Base/Chair and Board:
-Meetings every third Saturday of the month 7-9pm Lounge
-Directors and Coordinators meeting second Saturday every 3 months 9am- 12pm Lounge
-Courses throughout the year 2 or 4 days (1 or 2 weekends) depending on the course, locations subject to space availability
Ministerio Social (NEW)-El Ministerio Social sirve a nuestra comunidad Hispana a travez de informacion y recursos en el ambito educacional, familiar, salud y cualquier otro ambito que se relacione al beneficio directo de nuestros hermanos que asisten a nuestra iglesia. El objetivo del ministerio social es poder ser un intermediario entre nuestra comunidad Hispana y el contorno externo con el fin de disminuir las necesidades y poder aumentar la calidad de vida de nuestros hermanos.
Social Ministry (NEW): The Social Ministry serves the Hispanic community through information and resources in the educational, family, health and any other fields that may benefit our Hispanic community who attend our church. The objective of the social ministry is to be able to be an intermediary between our Hispanic Community and the external contour in order to diminish the needs and to increase the quality of life our community.
-No meetings set at this time.