Updated 7-29-2021
1. The COVID-19 “Delta Variant” has been ramping up in several areas of the nation.
2. Many people remain unvaccinated, and interest in the vaccine has waned since the initial push.
3. Children under 12 years have not been vaccinated.
4. Other immunocompromised people cannot be vaccinated.
5. Mass is an intimate gathering with vocal music and close proximity.
6. Mass lasts up to one hour for the assembly.
7. CDC guidelines (7/27/21) recommend wearing masks indoors, even for the vaccinated, as a means of reducing the risk of transmission.
8. The Christian preference is always for the vulnerable – both in body and in faith.
A. We will begin to require masks again at our Masses for the sake of the unvaccinated.
B. We will continue to sanitize the worship space (fogging) each week to ensure a clear facility.
C. All liturgical ministers must wear masks when ministering; both as a precaution and a sign of the real presence of the pandemic.
D. Staff will wear masks when interacting with the public (they may remove the mask when in their offices alone).
E. These guidelines are for both St. Bernadette and Christ the King Parishes.